Teaching the Structure of the English Language
Teaching the structure of the English language forms the foundation for students to read. This is important for typical learners and dyslexic learners. Multisensory Learning Associates’ resource materials can be used to support the teaching of reading to all learners. Training in the Orton-Gillingham approach helps teachers develop the skills needed to effectively instruct the dyslexic learner as well as the typical learner. The essential ingredient for successful reading instruction is the training of teachers.
Research supported by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in the last several decades attests to the positive effects of structured, sequential, multisensory teaching methods for individuals with language-based learning disabilities.
The Orton-Gillingham approach to reading, writing, and spelling has proven effective in helping dyslexic students to acquire literacy skills for over 60 years.
The ABCs of O-G was written by Emi Flynn to support teachers who have been trained in the Orton-Gillingham approach. Used in conjunction with The Gillingham Manual, it provides busy teachers with lesson plans and strategies to effectively assist students to read proficiently. It is especially helpful for teachers with many students and few planning periods. The scope and sequence is flexible because all Orton-Gillingham instruction should be based on the student’s needs and Orton-Gillingham principles.
Many support materials, including Skills Books and Phonetic Readers, are available. Order our resource materials now.

Although they are bright and talented in many areas, some individuals encounter extraordinary and unexpected difficulty learning to read, write, and spell. This puzzling disparity between potential and achievement may be due to a neurologically based learning difference called dyslexia.
These students frequently are admonished for not trying. However, they are not lazy or unmotivated. They simply do not seem to be able to learn to read, write, and spell by conventional teaching methods.
Dyslexia is a specific language-based learning difference that results in difficulty, in varying degrees, with the language skills of reading, writing, and spelling. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor decoding and spelling abilities. These differences typically result from a deficit in phonological processing that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and instruction that is effective for most students. Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD) manifested by impulsiveness, distractibility, and hyperactivity, frequently co-exists with language-based learning challenges.
Difficulties with decoding, word recognition fluency, and spelling encountered by dyslexic students can be addressed by timely and appropriate educational intervention. MLA’s resource materials provide teachers with lesson plans and strategies to effectively remediate dyslexic students. Please Contact Multisensory Learning Associates for more information at info@mlaOG.

Training for Teachers and Schools
Our training shows how to teach the structure of the English language to students. Teachers learn how to assess students, create an instructional plan, write lesson plans, and monitor progress. This 60-hour course provides teachers with a deeper and broader understanding of teaching reading and spelling at more advanced levels. When followed by a practicum, this course prepares individuals for the Associate level of the Academy of Orton-Gillingham. We especially recommend this course for Special Educators and those working with older students.
Trainings can be scheduled onsite at your school district and are also held throughout New Hampshire. Observations and feedback by O-G Fellow, Beth McClure, provide the mentorship necessary to improve the teacher’s ability to individualize instruction and fine-tune the instructional approach. When lengthy driving distance is a consideration, observations can be done using current technology. One of the most frequent comments we hear during our professional development is, “Why didn’t I learn this when I was studying to be a teacher? It is so useful!”
For upcoming training by Beth McClure, FAOGPE, contact her at bmcclure@sfnh.org. Please contact ortonacademy.org for other Orton-Gillingham trainings in your area.